
An RSpec like micro framework for java language.

Primary LanguageJava



An RSpec like micro framework for java (Still under construction!).


  • Describe your tests as RSpec way.
  • Run a JSpec specification as a JUnit test from your favorite IDE (Idea/Eclipse).
  • Run tests with gradle as rspec --format=doc way.
  • Use hamcrest assertions.


  • jspec-core: The jspec framework.
  • jspec-plugin: The spec gradle plugin. This allow run tests from console.
  • jspec-test: A sample test module.


Step 1: Clone the project.

git clone https://github.com/adrianmarino/jspec.git

Step 2: Install jspec core & gradle plugin to local maven repository.

gradle clean install -PexcludeTest

Step 3: Add a jspec shortcut command.

echo "alias jspec='gradle -q jspec'" >> ~/.bashrc

Step 4: Run sample StackSpec to check that all it working.


You should view the next output:


From gradle

Step 1: Add plugin to build.gradle.

apply plugin: 'jspec'

buildscript {
	repositories {
	dependencies {
		classpath 'ar.com.nonosoft:jspec-plugin:0.0.1'

Step 2: Describe a spec.

public class StackSpec extends Spec<Stack> {{
	describe(d -> {
		d.let("one", 1).let("two", 2);

		d.describe(".new", ()-> {
			d.context("when create an empty stack", c -> {
                c.subject(() -> new Stack<Integer>() {{ push(c.get("one")); }});
				c.it("is empty", expect -> expect.that(c.subject().isEmpty(), is(true)));

		d.describe("#push", ()-> {
			d.context("when push new element onto top", c -> {
				c.subject(new Stack<Integer>() {{ push(c.get("one")); }});

				c.it("has an element onto top", expect -> {
					expect.that(c.subject().get(0), is(equalTo(c.get("one"))));

		d.describe("#pop", ()-> {
			d.context("when pop the last element", (c) -> {
				c.subject(new Stack<Integer>() {{ push(c.get("one")); push(c.get("two")); }});

				c.it("element is the last pushed", expect -> {
					expect.that(c.subject().pop(), is(equalTo(c.get("two"))));

		d.context("when use an spring context", (c)-> {
			c.it("has a hello string", expect -> {
                expect.that(c.bean("testString"), is(equalTo("Hello")));
		d.it("is a pending It");
		d.xit("is a pending It", (expect) -> expect.that(true, is(false)));

Step 3: Run all specs.


Also could run specs in a particular package.

jspec -Ppkg=ar.com.nonosoft.test

Step 4: Run from:

Intellij Idea


Specification Guide

Coming soon! (Better Specs documentation).


  • Many tests.
  • Spec maven plugin.
  • let!
  • Unique IDE test description.