SSL Labs Quality Checker package for the Laravel Framework.
Warning: Not for use in production at the moment.
This version supports PHP 8.0. You can install the package via composer:
composer require adrianmejias/laravel-ssllabs
To create the config/ssllabs.php
configuration file:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=ssllabs
use AdrianMejias\SslLabs\SslLabsFacade as SslLabs;
// or use SslLabs;
$info = SslLabs::info();
Expected Output:
$info = [
'engineVersion' => '2.1.10',
'criteriaVersion' => '2009q',
'maxAssessments' => 25,
'currentAssessments' => 0,
'newAssessmentCoolOff' => 1000,
'messages' => [
'This assessment service is provided free of charge by Qualys SSL Labs, subject to our terms and conditions:',
getRootCertsRaw(?int $trustStore = null)
Retrieve root certificates.getStatusCodes()
Retrieve known status codes.getEndpointData(string $host, string $s, bool $fromCache = false)
Retrieve detailed endpoint information.hasMinGrade(string $host, ?string $minGrade = 'A+', int $maxAge, bool $publish = false, bool $ignoreMismatch = false)
Invoke assessment and check progress in order to check minimum grade.analyze(string $host, ?int $maxAge = null, bool $publish = false, bool $startNew = false, bool $fromCache = false, ?string $all = null, bool $ignoreMismatch = false)
Invoke assessment and check
Check SSL Labs availability.
ssllabs:quality-test {host} {grade}
- Get SSL Labs quality test resultsssllabs:has-min-quality {host} {grade}
- Check if the host has a minimum grade level
composer test
- Add to packagist repo
- Add unit tests
- Add documentation for open source contributations
- Add GitHub Action for unit tests
- Add more unit test coverages
- Add more documentation to
- Add API listing to
- Add command
- Add schedule from command
- Add schedule email
Thank you for considering contributing to Laravel SSL Labs! You can read the contribution guide here.
In order to ensure that the community is welcoming to all, please review and abide by the Code of Conduct.
Please see the security file for more information.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see the license file for more information.