
Primary LanguagePython


This is a simple raymarching/sphere tracing renderer I wrote over the course of about a week in early 2020. The rendering is all done in a GLSL shader, the window/input stuff is managed with python.

Code Overview

file description
raymarch/shaders/shader_load_helper.py handles loading of shader files, including a (somewhat janky regex based) #include handler
raymarch/shaders/fragment_shader.frag most of the rendering stuff is in here
main.py manages window, keyboard/mouse input, etc.


Key Action
w move forwards
s move backwards
a move left
d move right
q move up
e move down
shift move faster while held
escape toggle mouse controls on/off
mouse turn camera


pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 main.py

Code I Didn't Write

Hash Without Sine (raymarch/shaders/includes/hash_without_sine.glsl) is under MIT License, Copyright (c)2014 David Hoskins. Signed Distance Functions (raymarch/shaders/includes/signed_distance_functions.glsl) are by Inigo Quilez, and are under MIT License (see note on this page about license of code snippets).