
Read csv file from go using tags

Primary LanguageGoGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Read csv file from go using tags

godoc for artonge/go-csv-tag

Build Status cover.run go goreportcard for artonge/go-csv-tag

Sourcegraph for artonge/go-csv-tag PRs Welcome


go get github.com/artonge/go-csv-tag/v2



The csv file:

name, ID, number
name1, 1, 1.2
name2, 2, 2.3
name3, 3, 3.4

Your go code:

type Demo struct {                                // A structure with tags
	Name string  `csv:"name"`
	ID   int     `csv:"ID"`
	Num  float64 `csv:"number"`

tab := []Demo{}                                   // Create the slice where to put the content
err  := csvtag.LoadFromPath(
	"file.csv",                                   // Path of the csv file
	&tab,                                         // A pointer to the create slice
	csvtag.CsvOptions{                            // Load your csv with optional options
		Separator: ';',                           // changes the values separator, default to ','
		Header: []string{"name", "ID", "number"}, // specify custom headers

You can also load the data from an io.Reader with:

csvtag.LoadFromPath(youReader, &tab)

Or from a string with:

csvtag.LoadFromString(yourString, &tab)


You go code:

type Demo struct {                         // A structure with tags
	Name string  `csv:"name"`
	ID   int     `csv:"ID"`
	Num  float64 `csv:"number"`

tab := []Demo{                             // Create the slice where to put the content
		Name: "some name",
		ID: 1,
		Num: 42.5,

err := csvtag.DumpToFile(tab, "csv_file_name.csv")

You can also dump the data into an io.Writer with:

err := csvtag.DumpToWriter(tab, yourIOWriter)

Or dump to a string with:

str, err := csvtag.DumpToString(tab)

The csv file written:

some name,1,42.5