
nodeJS with express, server side auth.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Author: Adrian Mui

This is a simple Node ExpressJS application (not currently hooked up to a FE-framework)

to demonstrate the simple functionality of Node/Express and using our own 'middleware' stacks.

Full-Stack App from Scratch.



    npm install
    npm update


  • controlling what goes through git
    // untrack files/directories
    git rm -r --cached <file>
    // delete untracked files/directories from git
    git clean -n -d

From what I understand so far:

  • ExpressJS is similarity to that of a micro-framework to handle HTTP requests such as Sinatra
  • Unlike Rails, .NET, Spring, ExpressJS requires you to choose your middleware stacks(which are basically javascript functions that handle the request, filters it with js functions, and adds a callback to another middleware stack and/or returns a response)
  • alternatives are Hapi, Sails, Koa
    • Hapi: server-side APIs, html rendering as well..(I HATE THIS)
    • Sails: opposite of Express. Sails is like Ruby, has ORM, pretty much full BE stack. Doesn't have much support tho.
    • Koa: created generator-based API. Nowadays uses promises and asynch requests.
  • change the request response headers to provide more security
  • Grunt as a Tasks Manager/Builder
    • alternatives are: gulp[newer], webpack[js recompile, but u can combine it w/grunt], etc)
    • because of its specialty in synchronous tasks.
    • tons of plugins
  • dotenv for ENVIRONMENT variables
  • Mocha for Unit tests
  • Elastic Beanstalk, RDS
    • elastic beanstalk creates more instances of project as http traffic goes higher, auto-scaling
  • 5 types of Middleware
    • 3rd party
    • router
    • application
    • error-handling
  • Express4 has Sub-Routers that kind of split off APIs into their own little stack. It acts as a middleware with it's own set of routes and middleware.
  • Service Orientated Approach (bundling up an object's model, view, controller, routes). Node is encroaching method.
  • JWT(JSON-web-tokens) to protect APIs. No cookies, session authorizations.