My technical blog on github

Oops...messed up some refs...a header image should be here

Git was not designed for blogs, it was created for coordinating code changes between multiple developers.

So why write a blog on github?

The short answer is that I find the potential of github for blogs to be underestimated. And even greater so when the blog is technical in nature. I will express my arguments for why I think this is a good idea below.

  1. The content is alive
    Readers can come up with corrections and updates, and simply create a pull request with the suggested change. Think about a real world use-case: you google how to solve a problem in excel, and the search result returns a multitude of solutions, but most of them are outdated and only work for older versions of excel, The internet is full of stale, outdated writings. Willing readers can become valued contributors by simply submitting a Pull Request. Coupled with a clear history of all the changes
  2. Markdown is a powerful, somewhat underrated format
    Markdown is:
    • lightweight
    • universal(ish)
    • readable
    • portable
  3. Git usage is becoming more broad
    Expect to see more and more stuff being shared by the means of the git protocol.
    While developers have been sharing code for a long time now, there are still users that have not yet embraced git.
    I am thinking for example at the data scientist community, who are starting to realise the benefits of versioning their python or R scripts, linking those scripts with working models, and versioning all those artefacts.
    I can also use my imagination and think of what it would mean for all of the consumer household electronics in the world to have the user-manual published on github. Global instant access, immediate publication, less paper. It seems far-fetched but it is not an impossible future.
    Also, think about how a community of specialists in some are could come together and write an open-source book that has them all as contributors and is permanently up-to-date.
    Another thing that is coming to life is Github Pages, a platform that allows you to directly publish a website that is hosted in github.
  4. It's geeky and techy
    Yes, those who know me know that I like geeky, techy, quirky stuff. I tried writing my blog on medium, and linked-in, but the overall experience left something to be desired. Don't get me wrong, they are great platforms. But github is simply the place where I feel at home.