
React js Storybook UI Components library Starter Kit

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT



  1. storybook: react-storybook-library

  2. npm package: npmjs react-storybook-library


  1. Deploy your own React-Component package to npmjs.com easily

  2. Fix format error automatically on save

  3. Generate static storybook files and host storybook website automatically via GitHub Actions


  1. npm install

  2. Install VSCode extensions: ESLint, Prettier


  1. npm run start: start running dev-server for local development

  2. npm run storybook: start running storybook server for previewing demo page

  3. npm run build: build index.js and index.d.ts file from src folder

  4. npm run build-storybook: build index.html in demo folder for static hosting

  5. chagne setting in package.json

  6. use npm login and npm publish for publishing to https://www.npmjs.com/

  7. npm run watch: start typescript watch mode

  8. npm run lint: use ESLint for manually checking files inside src folder

  9. npm run test: start jest unit tests

  10. npm run coverage: start command to see tests coverage

  11. npm run deploy-storybook this command will create github page

Usage for third-party import:

  1. npm i react-storybook-library

  2. import library

// TypsScript
import { FC } from 'react';
import { Button } from 'react-storybook-library';

const MyComponent: FC = () => (
        <Button>My Button</Button>

export default MyComponent;

Folder Structure

┌── .github/workflows          # Settings for GitHub Actions
├── .storybook                 # Storybook settings
├── .vscode                    # VSCode settings for ESLint auto-fix function
├── demo                       # Storybook static file
├── dist                       # Bundled JS and TS declaration file for deployed npm package
├── src                        # All source code
│    ├── components            # React components
│    │    └── button           # Component folder
│    │          ├── MyButton.tsx           # Component for npm package
│    │          └── MyButton.stories.tsx   # Component displayed in storybook
│    ├── index.dev.tsx         # Development entry that uses ReactDOM.redner for local development
│    └── index.tsx             # Production entry that exports all components
├── .gitignore                 # Excluded files for ignoring Git version control
├── .eslintrc.js               # ESLint settings
├── index.html                 # HTML for local development
├── README.md                  # README
├── package-lock.json          # Package settings that locked the version of dependencies packages
├── package.json               # Package settings that listed dependencies packages, npm scripts, project name etc.
├── webpack.config.common.js   # Webpack settings in both development and production mode
├── webpack.config.dev.js      # Webpack settings in development mode
├── webpack.config.prod.js     # Webpack settings in production mode
└── tsconfig.json              # TypeScript settings