
Scripts for manipulation of Kafka

Primary LanguageShell

Kafka Scripts

Scripts created to facilitate routine maintenance activities in kafka, such as listing, loading details, creating consumer groups, editing consumer groups and editing offset of a given consumer group and topic.

If you don't have kafka-cli installed locally it will be installed before running the scripts.

Obs: scripts must be called from the root of the project


Create and edit the .env file in the root to define the environment variables with the suffix being the environment to be used, for example "KAFKA_BROKERS_LOCAL", so when executing the script pass only the LOCAL env (ex: ./bin/kafka-consumer-groups-describe.sh "LOCAL" "consumer-group-name").


Add a variable with hosts


Just below the conditions add one for the environment you need to use

Examples using shell scripts

  • Remove consumer groups
./bin/kafka-consumer-groups-delete.sh "QA" "consumer-group-name"

Delete consumer group

  • Describe consumer groups
./bin/kafka-consumer-groups-describe.sh "QA" "consumer-group-name"

Describe consumer group

  • Edit consumer group offset
./bin/kafka-edit-offset.sh "QA" "consumer-group-name" "topic-name" "2023-03-08T12:48:00.000-0300"

Edit offset by topic and consumer group

Examples remove records

It is only possible to remove all offsets from one or N... partitions.

kcat -b $KAFKA_CLUSTERS_PROD_BOOTSTRAPSERVERS -t topic-example -o beginning -J -q -e | grep -e "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS request_logs_bkp2021-03-11" | jq -c 'del(.payload, .key, .broker, .ts, .tstype)' | jq -s '{partitions: ., version: 1}'

filter events with kcat format and stop after receive

{"topic":"topic-example","partition":0,"offset":11,"tstype":"create","ts":1646857416396,"broker":15,"key":null,"payload":"{\n  \"source\" : {\n    \"server\" : \"teste_database\"\n  },\n  \"position\" : {\n    \"ts_sec\" : 1646857416,\n    \"file\" : \"mysql-bin-changelog.034486\",\n    \"pos\" : 41177917,\n    \"snapshot\" : true\n  },\n  \"databaseName\" : \"teste_database\",\n  \"ddl\" : \"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS request_logs_bkp2021-03-11\",\n  \"tableChanges\" : [ ]\n}"}

Example terminal output


Create a file with the following information for the events to be removed

./bin/kafka-delete-records.sh "PROD" ".tmp/prod-offset-remove.json"

Run command to remove events

Examples using Makefile

  • Install kafka client
make kafka-client-install

Installing kafka client

  • Remove consumer groups
make consumer-group-delete ENV=QA CONSUMER_GROUP=consumer-group-name

Delete consumer group

  • Describe consumer groups
make consumer-group-describe ENV=QA CONSUMER_GROUP=consumer-group-name

Describe consumer group

  • Edit consumer group offset
make edit-offset ENV=QA CONSUMER_GROUP=consumer-group-name TOPIC_NAME=topic-name OFFSET_TIME="2023-03-08T12:48:00.000-0300"

Edit offset by topic and consumer group