
Just ensure you have a recent Elixir >= 1.10 and Erlang/OTP 23+.



From the project home:


then either

./exploring_mars [input_file]
# or
cat input_file | ./exploring_mars
# or
./exploring_mars < input_file

As the examples above show, if input file name argument is not provided, input is read from stdin.


To run tests:

mix test

Open ./coverage/index.html for coverage info.


If any of the lines contain syntax errors, the execution is aborted.

If plateau boundary is exceeded, the current probe is skipped, but program execution continues.

Initial Impression

The problem seems to me similar to an interpreter of a subset of Logo programming language.

Extra features

Features not explicitly demanded in the enunciate.


  • Boundary checks (a probe cannot move outside the plateau)
  • Syntax error handling

Not implemented:

  • Collision detection

I decided not to do collision detection, which would necessarily involve reading the whole input before outputing anything, as it was not an explicit requirement and I believe there is enough material already for an initial assessment. I would be more than happy to implement the feature during the pair programming session, though.