Push Notification (Hybrid [iOS and Android]) [WiP]

This module will allow you to send push notification to iOS and Android devices without depending from other stuff.

This module aren't finished yet, we are building / testing it


Since this module uses features available after Node7, it is required of the module usage, so we decide to put the version used to build this module as starter:

  • Node 7.10.0 or higher;


Since this module communicate with other server it will install the module below:


npm install ibm-push-notification



Here follow the params used on the client initialization

Property Type Required Description
ios     Object True Holds the initilization parameters used on iOS
android     Object True Holds the initilization parameters used on Android


The notification parameters will be the same defined on iOS / Android individually (but since iOS has more parameters than android, consider to use iOS model):


This module allow you to work with both notifications or if you are working with just one platform (android/ios) you can require just what u

Create the client

Below you can see several different ways to create your push client

//Read the ios readme for more details about possibilities when initializing a client.
const ios = {
    p12: '/path/to/Certificate.p12',
    password: 'test',
    bundle: 'com.yourapp.bundle'
const android = {
    key: 'here-goes-your-google-client-key'

const PushNotification = require('ibm-push-notification')({ ios, android })

Send the Push Notification

After create the client for the push notification, you can send it anytime following the examples below:

One device only

Here is an example about how to send the notification to one device only

Only Mandatory Params
const ios = {
    p12: '/path/to/Certificate.p12',
    password: 'test',
    bundle: 'com.yourapp.bundle'
const android = {
    key: 'here-goes-your-google-client-key'
const PushNotification = require('ibm-push-notification')({ ios, android })

async function sendNotification(message) {
    try {    
        return await PushNotification.send({
            notification: message
        }, { ios: <DEVICE_ID>, android: <DEVICE_ID> })
    } catch (err) {
        throw err
Custom Properties
const ios = {
    p12: '/path/to/Certificate.p12',
    password: 'test',
    bundle: 'com.yourapp.bundle'
const android = {
    key: 'here-goes-your-google-client-key'
const PushNotification = require('ibm-push-notification')({ ios, android })

async function sendNotification(message) {
    try {    
        return await PushNotification.send({
            aps: { badge:3, sound:"bingbong.aiff" },
            notification: { title: "Foo", body: "Bar" },
            priority: 5,
            expiration: 0
        }, { ios: <DEVICE_ID>, android: <DEVICE_ID> })
    } catch (err) {
        throw err

Multiple devices

Here is an example about how to send the notification to multiple devices (same message)

Only Mandatory Params
const ios = {
    p12: '/path/to/Certificate.p12',
    password: 'test',
    bundle: 'com.yourapp.bundle'
const android = {
    key: 'here-goes-your-google-client-key'
const PushNotification = require('ibm-push-notification')({ ios, android })

async function sendNotification(message) {
    try {    
        return await PushNotification.send({
            notification: message
        }, { ios: [<DEVICE_ID_1>, <DEVICE_ID_2>], android: [<DEVICE_ID_3>, <DEVICE_ID_4>] })
    } catch (err) {
        throw err
Custom Properties
const ios = {
    p12: '/path/to/Certificate.p12',
    password: 'test',
    bundle: 'com.yourapp.bundle'
const android = {
    key: 'here-goes-your-google-client-key'
const PushNotification = require('ibm-push-notification')({ ios, android })

async function sendNotification(message) {
    try {    
        return await PushNotification.send({
            aps: { badge:3, sound:"bingbong.aiff" },
            notification: { title: "Foo", body: "Bar" },
            priority: 5,
            expiration: 0
        }, { ios: [<DEVICE_ID_1>, <DEVICE_ID_2>], android: [<DEVICE_ID_3>, <DEVICE_ID_4>] })
    } catch (err) {
        throw err
