
synvata challenge api

Primary LanguageTypeScript


this is a monorepo project divided between libs and app modules inside the package folder.

  1. the libs are small auxiliary or useful projects,
  2. the app is the main project of this monorepo.


base url http://localhost:3000


  # course object
    "name": "any_name"
GET /api/courses list all courses
GET /api/courses/:id get one course by id
GET /api/courses/:id/students list all students of this course
POST /api/courses course object create new course
PUT /api/courses/:id course object update course
DELETE /api/courses/:id delete course


  # student object
    "name": "any_name",
    "email": "any_email@email.com"
GET /api/students list all students
GET /api/students/:id get one student by id
POST /api/students student object create new student
PUT /api/students/:id student object update student
DELETE /api/students/:id delete student


follow this step by step the first time you run the project:

make install to install all dependencies

duplicate .env.sample file with .env name

make migrate to migrate all tables to database

make build_all to build all libs and app module

make down to take down all running containers

make up to turn up database and app container


run ``make test_ci` command to see test coverage

Other Makefile commands

make up raise and run docker containers

make down drop the containers

make install install all dependencies in every packages/project

make clear_install remove all node_modules folder

make lint run lint command in app project

make build run build command in app project

make build-libs run build command in libs projects

make clear_build remove all dist folder

make test run a tests of app project

make test_w run a tests of app project with watch mode

make test_ci run a tests of app project with coverage mode

make clear_coverage remove coverage folder of app project


All project configuration was done by the auxiliary projects inside the libs module so the default configuration of lint, jest and typescript can be found there. Within this module you can also find auxiliary projects like entity-builder which helps to create random objects for testing and commands-lib which can be used to extend the commands files of the app project.

The project as a whole uses the monorepo architecture but the main project uses the hexagonal architecture having its modules distributed in the main folder and each module contained a structure very similar to each other.

The project also has unit tests that can be found in the tests folder, repeating the same structure as in the src folder.

For the sake of delivery time I decided not to use NestJS but left express completely uncoupled from the project showing that it makes no difference which framework will be used in the project.


the github workflow was used to evaluate the quality of each merge with the master

Github Actions

Frontend project