
This is the Rails plugin for Sleeper. (http://sleeperapp.com/)

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

This is the Rails plugin for Sleeper - (http://sleeperapp.com). It's currently undergoing *heavy* development. It's safe for most production sites.
You will notice it's got a bit of an identity crisis, what with being called scaler some places, and sleeper others, and sleeper-rails in still more. Mea culpa. The official name moving forward is sleeper-rails.

- Sign up for a Sleeper account at http://sleeperapp.com

- Install the Rails plugin. 
	script/plugin install git://github.com/adrianpike/sleeper-rails 
	git submodule add git://github.com/adrianpike/sleeper-rails vendor/plugins/sleeper-rails
- Run rake sleeper:install. It will prompt you for your client key from your Sleeper account, as well as some basic default functionality to use in the event that sleeper-rails cannot pull down a real config from your Sleeper account. It will also check for a sane environment.

- You're done!

- MySQL or PostgreSQL for explaining. Other backends work fine, but won't generate explanations.
- Passenger, Mongrel, or Heroku for server stack.

Known Issues
- Heroku does not support git submodules.
- Sleeper-Rails & other patches onto ActiveRecord connections can collide.
- Lots of room for refactoring & optimization.

- Authenticate & encrypt updates.
- Better stack trace collection.
- Unicorn support.
- Better handling of internal exceptions, rather than barfing all over the poor user's app.

Basic Sleeper-Rails Architecture
- Configurator handles all the configuration for Sleeper-Rails.

- Store data, aggregate it, and JSON it upstream to Sleeper with some sort of hash authentication.

- Hack into all the AR queries, and run a WHERE for that query.
	- Store both the original query and the WHERE, as well as the line number & filename of the original query.

- Time all my ActionController requests - bust into the default benchmarking.
	- Send upstream total time, DB time, and view time, as well as the controller, action, and URL.
- Run a Ruby trace graph on every ActionController request, show me where I'm spending the most time.

- Wander around a site and poke at things.

- Fancy magic to let us know what attributes got SELECT'ed but weren't read. It doesn't work yet.

Non-automated Tools


* rake sleeper:walk host=http://localhost:3000 depth=10

Adrian Pike - (http://github.com/adrianpike)
Amiel Martin - (http://github.com/amiel)

Copyright (c) 2009 Pike Engineering, released under the MIT license