
backend boilerplate for dj_react_saas_boilerplate

Primary LanguagePython

SaaS Boilerplate - Backend Setup

Create project folder and git clone into it.
  1. cd Desktop
  2. mkdir saas-boilerplate or whatever you would like to call it
  3. cd saas-boilerplate
  4. mkdir backend
  5. cd backend
  6. git clone https://github.com/rcmiskin10/dj_react_backend_render_template.git .
  7. pip install virtualenv
  8. python3.8 -m venv env
  9. source env/bin/activate
  10. pip install -r requirements.txt
  11. Create a file called .env and place the environmental variables from below:
  1. Now you need to set up Stripe.
    1. If you do not have a stripe account register a free one here: https://dashboard.stripe.com/register. If you do have a stripe account login here: https://dashboard.stripe.com/login.
    2. Once account is set up or you're logged in, turn on Test Mode (Toggle button in top right corner of dashboard) it should bring you to: https://dashboard.stripe.com/test/payments
    3. Go to https://dashboard.stripe.com/test/apikeys
      1. Grab your Publishable key token and set the environmental variable STRIPE_API_TEST_PK in your .env file created from step 11 above.
      2. Next grab your Secret key token and set the environmental variable STRIPE_API_TEST_SK in your .env file created from step 11 above.
    4. Next go to https://dashboard.stripe.com/test/products?active=true to add your products, i.e. subscription tiers
      1. Add as many tiers as you want i.e.
        1. Free w/ a description and price: $0
        2. Pro w/ a description and price: say $10
        3. Make sure both are Recurring and Monthly or however you would like to set up your subscriptions.
  2. Now set up your local Postgres database
    1. Download Postgres v13 (or latest version) from https://www.postgresql.org/download/macosx/ and follow instructions.
    2. Create database, i.e. postgres
    3. Make sure your database default setting in settings.py is default="postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost/postgres", if your database name is postgres.
    4. Now run python manage.py migrate
      1. you should see all migrations applied
    5. Then python manage.py createsuperuser so you can log into Django Admin
      1. Enter email and password.
    6. Now run python manage.py runserver and head to and login with email and password created in 13.5.1
    7. you should be able to get to the Django Admin now and see all of the tables.
  3. Now go to Products admin here: 1. Add First product from Stripe above in step 12.4.1
    1. Enter the Product Name
    2. Tier
    3. Stripe product id
      1. You can find Stripe Product Id in https://dashboard.stripe.com/test/products?active=true and click on product and in the URL you will see an ID with prefix prod_xxxxxxxx and letters and numbers as the unique id.
      2. Do the same for all products 2. Now go to
    4. Add the price for each product from Stripe here:
      1. Select Product that you added to Django in 14.1
      2. Add the Price from what you entered in on Stripe
      3. Add the interval, i.e. Monthly
      4. Add the stripe price id
        1. Go to https://dashboard.stripe.com/test/products?active=true
        2. Select the Product and scroll down to Pricing and look under API ID and copy id with prefix and numbers/letters like price_xxxxxxxxx and pase into stripe price id on django admin.
      5. Do for all products 3. Now you can add descriptions of the tiers here:
    5. Add as many description list items for each product
  4. Now we can add the rest of our environmental variables in .env 1. Set DEV_EMAIL_HOST_USER to your gmail for DEV testing 2. Set your DEV_EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD to the password set up in your gmail account from above. You need to create an App Password in: https://myaccount.google.com/security
    1. Make sure 2-Step Authentication is enabled.
    2. Then go to https://myaccount.google.com/apppasswords and create a new app and a new password will be created. 3. Now Emails will be sent through gmail smtp in DEV
  5. We will set up prod environmental variables later.
  6. Next up is setting up the landing page data.
    1. Note here you can add whatever copy, images, icons, you would like through the Django admin
      1. Go to
        1. Add the hero section copy and image
        2. Add the features of your SaaS
          1. the Feature mui icon name: can be selected from https://mui.com/material-ui/material-icons/?query i.e. find Add and get the name of the icon from the end of the import in the modal import AddIcon from '@mui/icons-material/Add'; i.e. Add
        3. You can add as many features as you like and Order them however you like by apply 1,2,3... to each feature. i.e. 1 will be first in line.
        4. Do the same for how it works, Secondary hero, and Social Media Links
  7. Next we will deploy to render.com.
    1. First set up Cloudinary by going to the cloudinary website through this link and create a free cloudinary account. After your account has been created go to the dashboard page and copy the cloud name, api key and api secret.
    2. Follow tutorial here: https://docs.render.com/deploy-django#use-renderyaml-for-deploys
      1. The backend/render.yaml already exists in the saas boilerplate. You can change all the names to fit whatever you like, but our boilerplate named everything backend
      2. In the Render Dashboard, go to the Blueprints page and click New Blueprint Instance.
      3. Make sure to first create a repository to hold your backend/ folder on github.
        1. Now you can select the repository that contains your blueprint and click Connect.
        2. Give your blueprint project a name and click Apply.
      4. Now add the Production Environmental Variables by clicking the backend app and going to Environment
        1. Add you Stripe STRIPE_API_TEST_PK found in your local .env file or if you are ready to use live Stripe data use the Production PK found in stripe dashboard.
        2. Same with the STRIPE_API_TEST_SK
        3. STRIPE_LIVE_MODE=False
        4. BACKEND_URL will be the url that your backend render app is pointing to: something similar to this backend-xxxxonrender.com
        5. For your media files first set up Cloudinary account by going to the cloudinary website through this link and create a free cloudinary account. After your account has been created go to the dashboard page and copy the cloud name, api key and api secret.
          1. Add the cloud name to CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME
          2. Add the api key to CLOUDINARY_API_KEY
          3. Add the api secret to CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET
        6. For your emails create a postmark account here https://postmarkapp.com/. Follow instructions here: https://postmarkapp.com/support/article/1008-what-are-the-account-and-server-api-tokens to find your Server API Token and set it to POSTMARK_SERVER_TOKEN
          1. Set DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL to your email with postmark.
        7. After you deploy the frontend app below come back to setting FRONTEND_URL
      5. Finally run python manage.py createsuperuser in the Render shell in the settings of the backend app so that you can create an admin account.
        1. To see your backend admin page, go to <YOUR_APP_URL>/admin to login.