
Simple app of running server using golang

Primary LanguageGo

This application is used for demo a simple usecase using CRC with microshift preset.

Run CRC with microshift preset

$ crc config set preset microshift
$ crc setup
$ crc start
$ crc status
CRC VM:          Running
RAM Usage:       1.182GB of 3.759GB
Disk Usage:      3.469GB of 8.579GB (Inside the CRC VM)
Cache Usage:     135GB
Cache Directory: /Users/prkumar/.crc/cache

Try the application locally using podman

This repo have Containerfile which can be used to generate the container image for this application and we can directly use podman socket which is exposed by CRC

$ eval $(crc podman-env --root)
$ podman build -t quay.io/praveenkumar/myserver:v1 -f Containerfile .
$ podman run -d -p 8080:8080 quay.io/praveenkumar/myserver:v1
$ curl localhost:8080

Now everything works locally and we also created the image, next step would be try to deploy it on the cluster and see if our app still work.

$ eval $(crc oc-env)
$ export KUBECONFIG=${HOME}/.crc/machines/crc/kubeconfig
$ oc apply -f kubernetes/deploy.yaml
$ oc get pods -n demo
myserver   1/1     Running   0          2s
$ oc get ep -n demo
NAME         ENDPOINTS            AGE
kubernetes   3h1m
myserver      3s
$ oc expose service myserver -n demo
$ oc get routes -n demo
NAME       HOST                                ADMITTED   SERVICE    TLS
myserver   myserver-demo.apps.crc.testing   True       myserver   
$ curl myserver-demo.apps.crc.testing