
Python + Power BI enriched linkedin metrics for analyzing KPIs post metrics, impressions by day, best time to post, posts lifetime.

Primary LanguagePython

Linkedin enriched posts metrics analysis


1. Challengue and idea

2. What you wil find in this repository

3. Data workflow

4. Data visualization (Power BI)

5. Requirements

6. Data you get

7. SQL queries

Challengue and idea

Currently (Nov 2022), Linkedin doesn't provide good analytics about posts, so anybody is able to know wich is the best time to post or the the lifetime of their posts. So I wanted to do a better analysis of my Linkedin posts by developing a RPA python script based on using selenium python library in order to log into my account and scrap that info in a hourly basis as well as being able to create a data visualization with Power BI.

What you will find in this repository

In this github repository you will find an embebed Power BI data visualization that you can access by clicking HERE and a python script (RPA-Robot Process Automation) in order to get the data you need from Linkedin. All you need is to amend your email and password within the RPA python script which will log you into linkedin with your credentials and it will loop on a timeframe basis your linkedin posts metrics analytics pages in order to get snapshots of that and store the data into a PostgreSql database. Take into accout that you will need to install different modules required for running the RPA python script so please find that info as following in the requirements sections.

Data workflow

You can see as follows the a representation of the data workflow of this project in order to learn about the different elements involved.

Data visualization (Power BI)

As follows you can see a picture of the Power BI (check it out the embebed Power BI HERE) developed with the different charts where you can see a set of KPIs on the top of the visualization, as well as charts with total impressions by day, impressions by hour along the day (24h) and lifetime of the posts.


  1. Install the different python libraries used for running the RPA python script. You will find that at the beginning of the .py script (in the jyputer notebook provided as well).
  2. Install the Selenium webdriver of you choise. You can find the link as following https://www.selenium.dev/documentation/webdriver/getting_started/install_drivers/
  3. Install PostgreSql
  4. Create a database named linkedin and the tables needed (3 tables: posts, metrics and executionlogs) into the PostgreSql database. Please find attached to this repository the Sql scripts for doing that.
  5. If your machine is Windows, you can download any task scheduler software of your choise or use by default windows task scheduler and set a job scheduler for running execpython.bat file every 5 min. The RPA script will run if there the last snapshot taken is later than 15 min, otherwise it will be executed after 5 min and so on. Once the RPA start running it will be running for quite a lot of time so it will get the data in same session avoiding to log everytime the RPA script run in order to block your Linkedin account (or needed to pass a security check next time you log in).

Data you get

Once you have install all python libraries needed and created the tables in a PostgreSql database call linkedin you will get your linkedin posts metrics and content of your Linkedin posts in a timeframe basis of you choise (you can parametrize the timeframe in the RPA script, check that in the bottom of the script).


  1. Get posts content, last snapshot, total impressions, total reactions, and percentage of reactions/impressions.

( SELECT idpost, text, min(datetime) PostedDatetime, max(datetime) AS LastSnapshot, TO_CHAR(max(datetime) - min(datetime),'DD')::integer AS DaysSincePosted, max(impressions) Impressions, max(likes) + max(comments) + max(shares) Reactions, cast(max(likes) + max(comments) + max(shares) as float) / max(impressions) * 100 AS PercReactionsvsImpressions from ( select max(p.idpost) as idpost, max(p.text) as text , m.datetime, m.impressions, m.likes, m.comments, m.shares from posts p left join metrics m ON m.idpost = p.idpost group by m.datetime, m.impressions, m.likes, m.comments, m.shares ) t group by idpost , text order by min(datetime) desc *)

  1. Posts metrics by timeframe basis

( SELECT idpost, datetime, to_char(datetime - lag(datetime, -1) over (partition by idpost order by datetime desc),'HH24MI')::integer AS MinutesLastSnapshot, CASE WHEN impressions - lag(impressions, -1) over (partition by idpost order by datetime desc) IS NULL THEN impressions ELSE impressions - lag(impressions, -1) over (partition by idpost order by datetime desc) END AS Impressions, CASE WHEN (likes+comments+shares) - lag((likes+comments+shares), -1) over (partition by idpost order by datetime desc) IS NULL THEN (likes+comments+shares) ELSE (likes+comments+shares) - lag((likes+comments+shares), -1) over (partition by idpost order by datetime desc) END AS Reactions , CASE WHEN impressions - lag(impressions, -1) over (partition by idpost order by datetime desc) = 0 THEN 0 ELSE CASE WHEN (likes+comments+shares) - lag((likes+comments+shares), -1) over (partition by idpost order by datetime desc) IS NULL THEN CAST((likes+comments+shares) AS FLOAT) ELSE CAST( (likes+comments+shares) - lag((likes+comments+shares), -1) over (partition by idpost order by datetime desc) AS FLOAT) END / CASE WHEN impressions - lag(impressions, -1) over (partition by idpost order by datetime desc) IS NULL THEN impressions ELSE impressions - lag(impressions, -1) over (partition by idpost order by datetime desc) END END AS PercReactionsOverImpressions from metrics where idpost = 6988150750157627392 order by datetime desc *)

Next steps

  1. Once you get the data you will be able to develop a Power Bi or a Tablaeu dashbaord.
  2. Do some text clustering in order to know wich kind of content resonate more with your connections and followers.