
Explanation of [pitch, Rrotation, Dsupport, section_profile]

ameuret opened this issue · 4 comments

I need threads for the E26 lamp base which is widely used in 120V countries. I also need a 1/4 NPS thread.

I'd be more than happy to put together PRs for them as soon as I grok the specification variables used by threadlib and thread_profile.

Could someone who understands the meaning of these structures jot down a schematic on a paper napkin? ☺️

It would probably be helpful to many people willing to contribute more thread standards.

Still a noob on the subject but I've read many papers and it's a shame to waste time figuring out these parameters through trial and error.

Hi @ameuret

Contributions are always welcome. Regarding the specs used by threadlib: Does this help?

Please also checkout for assistance.

That's awesome. It's awkward that I did not find it by myself... 😳 I'll submit something ASAP (currently away from home...)

ok, i don't want to pollute with a separate thread, i am again at some custom thread for a vacuum cleaner tube, and was pulling out my, inexistent, hair when i noticed that the thread is inversed from the one i was trying to implement, the docu is nice, but lacks that point, how do i inverse the rotation of the thread? i need one that goes from low right to left up?

Hey nohkumado. Why not use the Discussion section for questions which are not related to issues in threadlib? You will even find an answer to you question there: #53