IXION Planner

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IXION (Building) Planner


When under construction

  • You can move by Mouse Left Clicking on the built building. (23-02-06)
  • Press 'R' to rotate building
  • Mouse Middle-Click to rotate
  • Mouse Right-Click to cancel build
  • Press 'C' to Construction
  • Press 'Q' go to prev sector
  • Press 'E' go to next sector

Patch Note

v0.71 - 2023-02-28

  • Building Color Restore

v0.7 - 2023-02-14

스크린샷 2023-02-14 오후 11 03 45

스크린샷 2023-02-14 오후 11 03 51

v0.65 - 2023-02-07

  • Rotate bug fix (90 degree)
    • SteelMill
    • PolymerRefinery
    • CryonicCenter

v0.6 - 2023-02-06

  • Rotate Bug fix
  • Add Building Tooltip
  • Add translation option (🇫🇷) - bmalrat
  • In construction mode you can now move building by clicking on it. - bmalrat

스크린샷 2023-02-06 오후 10 25 24

v0.55 - 2023-01-26

v0.5 - 2022-12-25

  • Keyboard shortcut add (Move sector "Q", "E")
  • Can only be construction inside a grid

v0.4 - 2022-12-22

  • Add translation option (🇰🇷, 🇺🇸)
  • Add BioengineeringCenter
  • Wall Building Bug fixes
  • When building roads, building connections appear.

v0.35 (Bug Fixed) - 2022-12-22

  • It can be slightly modified from the existing saved layout.
  • Mouse Middle-Click to rotate
  • Conflict construction is not possible. (but road is ok, TBU?)

v0.3 - 2022-12-21

  • To demolish several roads
  • Building edge(connect to road) above the road
  • Buildings can't be stacked


  • Building edge(connect to road) Show/Hide Button
  • Sector layout Reset Button


  • Open


  • Can only be construction inside a grid
  • Building Specialization
  • translate option En - Ko

Maybe TBU?

  • People Count?
  • Power?
  • Research?




feature2 0

Getting Started


git clone -b main --single-branch https://github.com/tirhande/ixion_planner.git
ixion_planner % npm install


# Local Dev Server
ixion_planner % npm run start

# Production Build
ixion_planner % npm run build