
T1CG Web Development 101 Meetup e-commerce project in MERN stack.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Ecommerce Bakery API 🍰

The api acts as a mediator between our front-end and database.

DB Setup and Start Instructions

In the seed-db directory you'll find the setup.sh file. This file runs a bash script to seed/put data into mongodb. Now that our front end is requesting and is dependent on real data, we need to make sure we can provide it.

Note: Your db needs to be running in order to seed it.

  • mongod in your terminal will start mongodb

Note: In order to run the seed script the correct permission need to be set the setup.sh file.

  • chmod 740 /path/to/setup.sh will enable execution rights to the file
  • /path/to/setup.sh will run the setup script.

Should see a console output similar to:

2018-10-11T00:17:50.289-0400	connected to: localhost
2018-10-11T00:17:50.296-0400	imported 6 documents

Once thats set start the api!

  • npm i
  • npm start

Package Documentation