
UITableView & UICollectionView placeholder for empty data in Swift

Primary LanguageSwift


UITableView and UICollectionView placeholders views in Swift for state like:

  • no internet connection
  • no data
  • loading
  • none - just black white view

Alt Text

Is easy to implement, just drag and drom into your project.

Getting Started

Download repository and run on the simulator. Application simulate network requests with different responses. Refresh for simulate requests.


  1. Open project

  2. Drag and drop ViewPlaceholder folder into your project

  3. Set in your code

final class FirstViewController: UIViewController {

@IBOutlet var tableview: UITableView?
fileprivate lazy var emptyPlaceholder = ViewPlaceholder(frame: CGRect.zero).onRetry { [weak self] in self?.refreshData() }
    override func viewDidLoad() {
     tableview?.backgroundView 	= emptyPlaceholder
     /* or
      someCollectionView.backgroundView = emptyPlaceholder

And then, on your downloading method

extension FirstViewController {

  func loadDataFromBackEnd() {
      your code here
      on callback from networking manager handle raspose:
      self.emptyPlaceholder.handleRespunse(status: success, total: total)
    networking.send(.someRequest) { (success, totalItems) in
      ... your code here
     self.emptyPlaceholder.handleRespunse(status: success, total: total)


Customize views on ViewPlaceholder.xib

