
WIF2003 Web Programming Project, T2 (#1) TO-DO-TEAM

Primary LanguageVue

Atomic ⚛

Some contributor guidelines

  • Use consistent formatting throughout the project. This includes using four spaces for indentation, and avoiding the use of tabs.
  • Use descriptive variable and function names that accurately reflect their purpose and function. Avoid using single-letter variable names or other shorthand that might be difficult to understand.
  • Use comments to explain complex or tricky pieces of code, or to provide context for why certain decisions were made. Comments should be clear and concise, and should not duplicate information that is already evident from the code itself.
  • Avoid the use of global variables whenever possible. Instead, use local variables and pass them as parameters to functions as needed.
  • Use whitespace and formatting to make the code more readable. This includes breaking long lines of code into smaller chunks, and using blank lines to separate logical sections of the code.
  • Avoid hardcoding values that may change in the future, such as URLs or API endpoints. Instead, use variables or constants to store these values and make them easy to update.
  • Write code that is modular and reusable whenever possible. This means breaking code into logical units that can be easily adapted or reused in other parts of the project.
  • Test your code thoroughly to ensure that it works as expected and integrates smoothly with the rest of the project. This includes writing unit tests, integration tests, and other forms of automated testing as appropriate.
  • Document your code thoroughly, including inline comments and documentation in separate files as appropriate. Important : Don't simply accecpt any pull request!