Hooks State management App logo Hooks State management App logo

Hooks State management App

This is the demo application to show a state management pattern in React with hooks!!! Check out the live version on Netlify here

Email: admin, Password: password

Getting Started

These instructions should get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


Things you need to get started:


To get the project running, follow these steps:

  • Create a folder -Enter/Navigate into that folder
cd <folder-name>
  • Clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/samie820/hooks-state-management.git .
  • Install all the project's dependencies:
yarn or npm install
  • Once that's done, run the project:
npm start or yarn start


The app can be deployed using either heroku or Netlify

Built With

  • Javascript
  • React - (UI library)


Please read the CONTRIBUTING.md file (Soon to be added) to see how you can contribute and add more features to the project.


TODO: Add the Authors