
C library for stepper motors that use the DRV8825 driver

Primary LanguageC

DRV8825 Stepper Motor Driver Library

This is a comprehensive C library designed to interface with the DRV8825 stepper motor driver. It is also compatible with generic two-pin (step and direction) stepper motor drivers.

Library Usage

To use this library, you need to provide implementations for the pin_set and delay_us functions in your application. Here's an example of how to use the library:

#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "dvr8825.h"

// Define your pin_set function to control pins
static void app_pin_set(dvr8825_drv_pins_t pin, bool state)
    // Add your code here to control the specified pin

// Define your delay_us function for microsecond delays
static void app_delay_us(uint32_t t_us)
    // Add your code here for microsecond delays

// Define your pin mapping based on your hardware configuration
static uint32_t app_pin_mapping[] =

// Initialize the DRV8825 driver with your pin_set and delay_us functions
static dvr8825_drv_t drv =
    .pin_set = app_pin_set,
    .delay_us = app_delay_us,

// Configure the stepper motor settings
dvr8825_scr_t scr =
    .steps_per_revolution = 200,
    .microsteps = 1,
    .rpm = 200,

// Initialize the application
void app_init(void)
    dvr8825_init(&drv, scr);

// Main application loop
void app_loop(void)
    // Move the stepper motor forward
    dvr8825_move_steps(200, DVR8825_DIR_FORWARD);

    // Delay for 1000 milliseconds

    // Move the stepper motor backward
    dvr8825_move_steps(200, DVR8825_DIR_BACKWARD);