
A collection of VBA Excel macros that I use for utility.

Primary LanguageVBA


A collection of VBA Excel macros that I use for utility.

How to use

Suggest to import all the .bas files into your Personal Macro Workbook for use across different Excel files.


Cover Letter Template Generation 1 - Write Cover Letter

The idea is to single/batch generate cover letters based on a template, loading the information from a job application Excel (config/JobApplication.xlsx) and a experience list Excel (config/ProjectList.xlsx).

  1. Single generation (WordUtil.Single_ReplaceTagsWithContent)
  2. Batch generation (WordUtil.Batch_ReplaceTagsWithContent) - may be called from config/JobApplication.xlsx or config/CoverLetterGenerator.xlsx: copy job title, company name and required skills of each record with Status = "Prepare" from config/JobApplication.xlsx into config/CoverLetterGenerator.xlsx. Successful records will have Status changed to "GenPDF" ready for part 2, Word file name logged into "Message" column of config/JobApplication.xlsx. Error messages will be logged into "Message" column too.

Both call the function WordUtil.ReplaceTagsWithContent which fills a copy of config/CoverLetterTemplate.docx by replacing tags <xxx> with content from config/CoverLetterGenerator.xlsx and relevant records of config/ProjectList.xlsx - user may indicate number of relevant records (if found) for each Skill in the "# of List Items" column of config/CoverLetterGenerator.xlsx. If no relevant record found, the experiences in config/CoverLetterGenerator.xlsx will be used.

Support for:

  1. Paragraph building with multiple phrases in same category (P<xxx> tags in Excel config). This is done by extracting stock phrases from PhraseConfig sheet with a random starting phrase, and inserting the config data into the stock phrases.
  2. Paragraph building drawing relevant experiences for each skill (L<xxx> tags in Excel config). This is done by fetching records in config/ProjectList.xlsx searching in the "Skill" column.

See below for the flow of the program:

Cover Letter Generator Flow

Cover Letter Template Generation 2 - Export to PDF

After reviewing the macro-generated letter in part 1, batch generate PDF by calling PDFUtil.Batch_ExportWordAsPDF. This looks for all records with status = "GenPDF" and export those Word documents into PDF. After success, will have Status changed to "Done", else error message will be logged into "Generation Message" column.


  1. Template

Cover Letter Generator Step 1

  1. Word document

Cover Letter Generator Step 2

  1. PDF document

Cover Letter Generator Step 3


This is a macro used to search for a number of keywords in the config file (with comma-separated keyword values).

For each row, the found keyword(s) in search range will be put into the first empty column (Result Column), as a comma-separated list.

A relevancy score is calculated and placed into the second empty column. The results are sorted according to descending relevancy.

Inputs (via InputBox / MsgBox):

  1. Config file path
  2. Search Range (e.g. "A1:B2" Range in Excel)
  3. Whether to use equal scoring for each keyword, or weighted scoring (weights will be added in descending order of each word in the config file). The final score would be used to sort the results.

All 3 inputs are compulsory.


This file contains macros which operate in Excel files.

1. FillExcelForm

Fills highlighted cells in an Excel form, searching within a specified area for yellow colour (currently set at value of 13431551).





2. CopyDataToSheet

Copy the data from "From" named area to "To" named area and set up Status in "PrepareStatus" named area as "Prepare" for newly copied rows.

3. CopyColumnToNext

Copy the content of rightmost filled white-coloured column to the next, increasing the header by 1 if it is a number / date.

Option to select:

  1. Number of times to copy
  2. If copy > 1 times, copy header only except last time (Useful for skipping through a few days, e.g. weekend / leave days)




  • Case 1: Copy 1 time


    Type 1 to copy 1 time



  • Case 2: Copy 3 times, skipping except the last time (e.g. skip through the weekend)


    Type 3 to copy 3 times


    Select "Yes" to set up the header (date) only




4. MergeEmptyVertical

This is a macro used to merge empty cells in each column in a selected range with the nearest non-empty cell above.

Additionally, can output the number of rows merged for each non-empty cell to a specified column (requires the non-empty cell to be on same row, as in column "D" in below screenshot).






This file contains Excel macros whose output is in Word files.

1. CreateWordDoc

Creates a Word document.

2. Batch_, Single_ and ReplaceTagsWithContent Function

Part of the Cover Letter Generator project.


This file contains Excel macros whose output is in PDF files.

1. Batch_, Single_ and ExportWordAsPDF Function

Part of the Cover Letter Generator project.

2. GenPDF Function

Export the ActiveSheet of ActiveWorkbook as PDF, allowing for addition of suffix to the end of file name (e.g. name / date).


This file contains Excel macros whose output is an email in Outlook.

1. GenPDFAndEmail

Export the ActiveSheet of ActiveWorkbook as PDF, then attach to an Outlook email with parameters (To, Cc, Subject, Body, Attachments), display to user for review and send.

2. LeaveEmail_Dates

Create Outlook email to alert the team of your leave plan between FromDate and ToDate, reading From Date and To Date from Excel config (config/LeaveEmail.xlsx).


3. LeaveEmail_LeaveLog

Create Outlook email to alert the team of next available period of leave within a month based on a Team Leave Plan Excel (example config/LeavePlan.xlsx), where each column represent a day and each row represent a teammate.



This file contains Excel macros whose output are hyperlinks between Excel columns / sheets.

For example, we would start with a "content page" sheet, like below.


1. AddHyperlinkToColumn

Add a hyperlink to a specific column in same sheet. This is particularly useful navigating within a sheet with many columns.

In this example, we add a hyperlink from column B to column D for each record (row).

2. NavigationHyperlink

Create a child sheet and adds a hyperlink to / from the child sheet's cell A1.

In this example, we add a hyperlink from column C to a child sheet for each record (row).

3. UpdateHyperlink

Update the column linked for hyperlink back to content page from the child sheet. Used when the columns in the content sheet are changed.

After running #1 and #2 above, the results are as below.




This file contains Excel macros which works with a ticket logging Excel.

1. OpenCloseTicket

Pops up an InputBox to prompt users to input the ticket number. If the ticket is not assigned to anybody, assign it to yourself (taking the name in "Your name" field in Config sheet). If it is assigned, then set the "Status" to close.

2. RenewTicket

Checks the latest 100 tickets for the expected complete date. If it is within tomorrow, then set to next working day after tomorrow.

3. ListEmailSubject

Connect to Outlook mailbox listed in "Login email" field in Config sheet, copy the subject of all emails received in "Folder" field from names in "From email" field, containing keywords in "Contains" within the first "Limit to first # chars" chars.

The program removes unessential words like "RE:", "FW:", "[External]" and other custom filter out words in "Subject filter out". After removal, it checks with existing subjects in "Email" sheet, and will not log duplicates.

Additionally, you may define extra flags for following up in the "Flag" and "Keywords" fields. Please deifne a named column for flagging, example as below using Name Manager.

If the email subject contains any keywords, it will be flagged in the named column ("Y").

Future developments

Feel free to suggest!