
Windows batch script to housekeep files (delete outdated files + backup files)

Primary LanguageBatchfileMIT LicenseMIT


Some utility Windows batch / Powershell script to housekeep files:

  1. Generate list of outdated files (files not modified for a period of time, as defined by user) with folder path as specified by user and prompt for deletion (housekeep.bat)
  2. Backup a Windows directory with path as specified by user, with choice of backing up subdirectories or not (backup_compare_hash.ps1).

What's new - 22/2/2021

  1. Add option to recycle files instead of deleting them.

How to use housekeep.bat

The script housekeep.bat can be downloaded to any directory and used. It will prompt for 2 inputs:

  1. Folder path to housekeep, simply copy from Windows Explorer window. (Unfortunately, it does not support checking for subdirectories too, this will be added as a feature later.)
  2. Housekeep time, where the housekeep process will operate each file with 'Last Modified Time' before this time.

Each file valid for housekeeping will be prompted, with options delete (Y), recycle (R) or cancel (N) (remain in the same directory). Recycle feature requires the use of Recycle.exe utility provided by CMDUtils and add the installation folder to $PATH environment variable. Please download CMDUtils at http://www.maddogsw.com/cmdutils/.

A report file housekeep_list_report.txt will be generated, which lists all files modified on or before the user's input time, and whether they are deleted.

The test script test_housekeep.bat is my attempt at developing a JUnit-styled unit test aimed to test the logic of the script housekeep.bat.

How to use backup_compare_hash.ps1

The script backup_compare_hash.ps1 can be downloaded to any directory and used. It will prompt for 1-2 inputs:

  1. Folder path to backup, simply copy from Windows Explorer window. (The backup folder name will be same, but with _bk_<backup_date> appended to the end.)
  2. If folder contains subdirectories, will prompt for whether backup all contents within subdirectories too.

Log will be in the log folder at the parent directory of the folder to backup (with filename log_<backup_date>_<backup_time>. It will compare the contents using SHA1 hash methods of the bytes within the before and after copy folder. The compare result is logged and shown on the console.

The test script test_backup.bat is my attempt at developing a JUnit-styled unit test aimed to test the logic of the script backup_compare_hash.ps1.

Future developments

  1. Restoration of files and directories from Recycle Bin based on report file.
  2. Validation of input in the free format set /P input to prevent injection.
  3. Coverage code testing.