
This iOS application demonstrates the implementation of dynamic tab pages with SwiftUI. The UI includes a tab view at the top, with four tabs showcasing different colors. As the user scrolls horizontally through the tabs, a line indicator moves to track the currently selected tab. This repository includes the source code for the application.

Primary LanguageSwift

Dynamic Tab Pages

This iOS application is an example implementation of dynamic tabs with SwiftUI. The UI includes a tab view at the top, with four tabs showcasing different colors. As the user scrolls horizontally through the tabs, a line indicator moves to track the currently selected tab.

Buy Me A Coffee

alt text


  • Display of multiple dynamic tab pages
  • Smooth horizontal scroll UI with SwiftUI
  • Automatic updating of indicator position based on currently selected tab page


  1. Clone this repository to your computer.
  2. Open the project in Xcode.
  3. Press the "Run" button to build and run the application on an iOS simulator or connected device.


When the application is running, the user can scroll horizontally through the tabs to switch between pages. The indicator above the tabs will automatically move to indicate the currently selected tab page.