
Transducers, powerful abstractions

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title: Transducers, powerful abstraction author: name: I'm Adrien, frontend developer email: agibrat@frontguys.fr theme: ./theme controls: false output: index.html



powerful abstraction


Transducers 𝍏

clojure.org compose transformations
without awareness of input
nor creation of intermediate aggregates

* You may use it often without noticing it


Functional programing ♨

Higher-order function
takes one or more functions as arguments or returns a function

const add = a => (b => a + b); // returns a function

[1, 2, 3]
  .filter(a => a % 2) // odd predicate (returns boolean)
[1, 2, 3]
  .reduce((acc, a) => acc + a, 0) // sum reducer (returns accumulator)


Chain: readable but not optimal 😪

import { add } from 'slides';

const double = item => item * 2;

const result = [1, 2, 3]
  .map(add(1))  // [2, 3, 4]
  .map(double)  // [4, 6, 8]
  .map(add(-1)) // [3, 5, 7]

❌ Loop 3×, allocating new array each time


Fusion 😃

import { add, double } from 'slides';

const minus1 = add(-1);
const add1 = add(1);
const compute = item => minus1(double(add1(item)));

const result = [1, 2, 3]

✔ Loop once, allocating only one new array


Using composition 😁

import { pipe, minus1, double, add1 } from 'slides';

// const compute = item => minus1(double(add1(item)));
// const compute = compose(minus1, double, add1);
const compute = pipe(add1, double, minus1);

const result = [1, 2, 3]

✔ Readable, concise & efficient


Mixed operations ? 😵

import { add1, odd } from 'slides';

const gt2 = a => a > 2;

const result = [1, 2, 3]
  .map(add1)   // [2, 3, 4]
  .filter(gt2) // [3, 4]
  .filter(odd) // [3]

❌ Loop 3×, allocates 3 new array


Combine predicates 😆

import { gt2, odd } from 'slides';

// logic: every = AND, some = OR
const pass = (logic, predicates) => 
  a => predicates[logic](predicate => predicate(a))

const filter = pass('every', [gt2, odd]);

✔ Useful with all predicate operations: filter, find...


Still no mixed operation 😵

import { add1, odd, gt2 } from 'slides';

const result = [1, 2, 3]

❌ Loop 3×, allocates 3 new array


Be optimal 🤩

chain is not optimal

![transduce is optimal](transduce.svg)


Reduce all the things 😎

import { append } from 'slides';

const map = mapper =>
  (list, value) => append(list, mapper(value))
const filter = predicate =>
  (list, value) => predicate(value) ? append(list, value) : list
const find = predicate =>
  (_, value) => predicate(value) ? { value, done: true } : null

💕 Implement every operation as a reducer


Make it composable 🤪

let _map, _filter, _find; // _map(_filter(_find())) returns a reducer

const map = mapper =>
  _map = next => (acc, value) => next(acc, mapper(value))
const filter = predicate =>
  _filter = next => (acc, value) => predicate(value) ? next(acc, value) : acc
const find = predicate =>
  _find = () => (_, value) => predicate(value) ? { value, done: true } : null

🤟 Tansformation as factories of reducers are composable!


Compose reducers 😲

import { pipe, map, add1, filter, odd, find, gt2, noop } from 'slides';

const transform = pipe(

const result = [1, 2, 3].reduce(transform(noop));

✔ Rx pipe pattern ;)     transform + reduce = transduce

Reduce to anything 🤠

import { pipe, map, add1, filter, odd, append } from 'slides';

const transform = pipe(

const result = [1, 2, 3].reduce(transform(append), []);

✔ Accumulator & 'append' function are linked (aggregate)


Reusable transduce 🤑

import { reduce } from 'slides';

const transduce = (transform, aggregate, accumulator, list) =>
  reduce(transform(aggregate), accumulator, list)

✔ Fine, but how does this abstract input list type ?


A generic reduce 🤓

const reduce = (reducer, accumulator, iterator) => {
  let step = iterator.next();
  while (!step.done) {
    accumulator = reducer(accumulator, step.value);
    if (accumulator.done) {
      return accumulator.value;
    step = iterator.next();
  return accumulator.value;

✔ Iterator allows to abstract how to reduce any iterable


It blow your mind 🤯



  • is optimized (iterate once, only needed items)
  • is generic (any types of sync / async collection)
  • powers reactive & stream based operations
  • I 🖤 reduce

Curious? Look @ libs RxJs, Ramda, lodash/fp & more...

P.S. Slides source github.com/adriengibrat/Transduce-md