
Example of the ngx-route-info library

Primary LanguageTypeScript


ngx-route-info is a simple library that let you get the route information in a simple and fast way

Summary information:

  • Url params
  • Query params
  • Previous/Current route

Steps to use it

Install the package

npm i ngx-route-info

Adding it to the main app module

Add the NgxRouteInfoModule module to the App module. The library relies on the application to get the BrowserModule and RouterModule, so they have to be imported in your app

const routes: Routes = [
  { path: 'test/:brand/:color', component: CarComponent },

  declarations: [
  imports: [
  providers: [],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }

Use the service in your component

Use the service NgxRouteInfoService in the component where you want to get the route information. For instance, navigating to the CarComponent with the url /buy/bmw/white?year=2018

export class CarComponent implements OnInit {

  // Params name
  brand: string;
  color: string;

  // Query params name
  year: string;

  constructor(private ngxRouteInfo: NgxRouteInfoService,
    private activatedRoute: ActivatedRoute) { }

  ngOnInit(): void {
    this.ngxRouteInfo.getParams(this.activatedRoute, this);
    this.ngxRouteInfo.getQueryParams(this.activatedRoute, this);

    console.log(this.brand) // bmw
    console.log(this.color) // white
    console.log(this.year) // 2018

Once the component is instantiated and initialiazed, you'll get all the params and query params values of the whole url automatically in the class attributes