Neural Networks project

The objective of this work is to implement a full Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) Backpropagation (BP) for recognition of digits. The recognition of digits aims to distinguish given an image entry if it belongs to class character or not and guess what number is classifying the numbers from 0 to 9.


Execution: Run the project and place a Matrix (with 0 or 1) representing an image. You can se some matrixes examples in the files number1.txt, number2.txt, ..., number9.txt Alternatively you can copy and paste one of these files in the text area space, and change it manually. After pressing "Guess Number" button, the image that represents the matrix will show up, and the neural network will give a guess.


Language: Java


Adriller Genova Ferreira - NºUSP: 8922201