
quick script for hassle free gift swap planning!


A quick script for hassle free gift swap planning. Wrote this in half an hour on Thanksgiving while trying to plan a holiday gift swap among 10 people. This seemed like the most painless solution...

The script simply matches up people (making sure not to assign someone herself), e-mails everyone who they're assigned, and saves a file for each match locally in a provided directory. It's something I threw together really quickly but I know some people were interested so I thought I'd post now while the holiday gift swap season is about to start!


First: edit the code to include your e-mail address and password. Note that it's configured to work with only g-mail sender addresses so if you're sending from a different domain make sure to edit the server stuff. I'll probably work on this when I'm bored soon and make it so you don't have to hardcode your e-mail info.

As of now it just takes 2 arguments: a list of names/e-mails of the participants and a directory path where you want the files stored.

python secretsnowflake.py [list-of-names] [dir-path]

list-of-names should be formatted as: Name E-mail, Name2 E-mail2, Name3 E-mail3, Name4 E-mail4, ..... , NameN E-mailN

So name followed by one whitespace char followed by e-mail ended with a comma.
