Example of a store web app with NodeJS and MongoDB, using Express and Mongoose.
[GET] => Welcome page
[GET] => List of all farms
[GET] => Form to add a new farm/{id}
[GET] => Detail info about a farm/edit
[GET] => Form to edit a farm/products
[GET] => List of products from a farm
[POST] => Save a new farm after completing a form
[POST] => Save a new product into a farm
[DELETE] => Delete a farm (it deletes the products in the farm as well)
[GET] => List of all products
[GET] => Form to add a new product/{id}
[GET] => Detail info about a product/edit
[GET] => Form to edit a product
[GET] => Query String with options: ['fruit', 'vegetable', 'dairy']
[POST] => Save a new product after completing a form
[DELETE] => Delete a product