
My repo for all projects in MLZoomCamp Bootcamp

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Homework 1

  1. Pandas version 2.0.3
  2. Data has 10 columns
  3. A column that has missing values is total_bedrooms
  4. ocean_promixitycolumn has 5 unique values
  5. The average of median_house_value for the houses located near the bay is 259212
  6. The average of total_bedrooms before and after imputing missing values are most likely the same.
  7. The value of the last element f w is 5.6992.

Homework 2

  1. One feature that has missing values is total_bedrooms
  2. The median of population column is 1195
  3. The RMSE from the zero-filled-dataset and mean-filled-dataset are the same.
  4. The smallest r that give the best RMSE score is 0.
  5. The std value is 0.005
  6. The value of RMSE is 0.33