Export keyframed After Effects layers to Blender
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#43 opened by Baguspurwantro1234 - 4
ERROR: it says add on is old version huh?
#40 opened by NickoEfendi12 - 0
Error writing file "D:\Documentos\Proyectos 3D\12_FOOH\Paris-2024\Tracking": Error de E/S.
#42 opened by diegoconmar - 1
Error writing file "D:\Others\DS Design\Experimental 3d\CGI & VFX\Seaside CGI": I/O error
#34 opened by dsdesign89 - 1
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Would love to be able to flip axis.
#35 opened by mrjoneswtf - 2
tracking seems to be a little off in blender
#33 opened by JLK9kid - 0
Failure to export on MacOS.
#32 opened by DJDragonfruit - 2
#31 opened by shahariarislamrafi - 1
issue with the import in blender
#30 opened by Lyyve - 3
Import error
#28 opened by daanmoim - 0
Error writing file "C:\Users\Saugat\OneDrive\Desktop\json\practice.json": File or folder does not exist
#29 opened by saugat44 - 0
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The issue in Blender 4.1
#25 opened by Shevy-D - 1
Error writing file "
#24 opened by KiRaj7 - 0
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**Describe the bug** <!-- A clear description of what the bug is. --> **Error message** ``` Error message goes here ``` **To Reproduce** <!-- Steps to reproduce the behavior; e.g. 1. Go to '...' 2. Click on '....' 3. Scroll down to '....' 4. See error --> **Screenshots** <!-- If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem. --> **Test Case** <!-- If possible, include the .aep file that causes the issue. --> **Platform Info** - <!-- Operating system + version --> - <!-- After Effects version --> **Additional context** <!-- Add any other context about the problem here. -->
#23 opened by KiRaj7 - 1
add camera data
#21 opened by Igor-Shirokikh - 2
Blener Importing json file problem
#18 opened by mindsetmastery - 3
Tracking data doesnt get exported as .json
#13 opened by fujinplus - 2
Error exporting layer "Main Camera" On line 1305: undefined is not an object
#10 opened by Goobethiake - 1
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#16 opened by shoaib8478 - 0
Do not a change browse location
#14 opened by HuseSalam - 0
after effects 2024 Not a browse export
#15 opened by HuseSalam - 2
#12 opened by Almightynnanyi - 2
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- 0
Error when importing .json
#9 opened by SnootyM - 1
dont work file
#8 opened by samrat32009 - 1
- 0
info 2
#3 opened by dcHaptic123 - 4
blender 2.92.0 issue, add on
#2 opened by dcHaptic123 - 6
Feature request: Null object export
#1 opened by tomcypher89