
Keras Implementation of DDPG(Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient) with PER(Prioritized Experience Replay) option on OpenAI gym framework

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Keras Implementation of DDPG(Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient) with PER(Prioritized Experience Replay) option on OpenAI gym framework


Extended Work : gym-td3-keras(TD3)


  • CartPole-v1, link

  • RoboschoolInvertedPendulum-v1, link

  • RoboschoolHopper-v1, link

Details from paper

We used Adam (Kingma & Ba, 2014) for learning the neural network parameters with a learning rate of 10−4 and 10−3 for the actor and critic respectively. For Q we included L2 weight decay of 10−2 and used a discount factor of γ = 0.99. For the soft target updates we used τ = 0.001. The neural networks used the rectified non-linearity (Glorot et al., 2011) for all hidden layers. The final output layer of the actor was a tanh layer, to bound the actions. The low-dimensional networks had 2 hidden layers with 400 and 300 units respectively (≈ 130,000 parameters). Actions were not included until the 2nd hidden layer of Q.


  • optimizer : Adam
  • learning rate: 10-4 ~ 10-3
  • weight decay: 10-2 (for regularization)
  • discount factor: 0.99(for q-network)
  • tau : 0.001 (for soft target update)
  • activation : ReLU(for hidden layer), tanh(for output layer)
  • layers: 400, 300 for each hidden layer

Easy Installation

  1. Make an independent environment using virtualenv
# install virtualenv module
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
sudo pip3 install virtualenv

# create a virtual environment named venv
virtualenv venv 

# activate the environment
source venv/bin/activate 

​ To escape the environment, deactivate

  1. Install the requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Run the training node
python train.py


[1] Continuous control with deep reinforcement learning

    title={Continuous control with deep reinforcement learning},
    author={Timothy P. Lillicrap and Jonathan J. Hunt and Alexander Pritzel and Nicolas Heess and Tom Erez and Yuval Tassa and David Silver and Daan Wierstra},


[2] germain-hug/Deep-RL-Keras

[3] anita-hu/TF2-RL

[4] marload/DeepRL-TensorFlow2

[5] openai/baselines

[6] Improving DDPG via Prioritized Experience Replay