
Data Structure Analysis for Spell Checking

Primary LanguageJava


In this assignment, we will compare and contrast different data structures for creating a SpellChecker.

Rubric (100)

This assignment is out of 100 points. There are three pure coding sections, adding up to (20) points. The rest involves a little more data analysis. (You will have to code, though). All data analysis can be done in Google Sheets or Excel -- you need not make graphs with Java.

(30) Report & Reflection.

This assignment is more like a scientific investigation. Prepare a report with answers to these questions, and submit it as a PDF.

In your report, have a conclusion section where you recommend one of these data structures for "Spell-Checking". Justify your selection.

(15) Measure Creation (Insertion) Speed.

We create a number of data structures: HashSet, TreeSet, SortedStringListSet, CharTrie, and LLHash. Figure out how many nanoseconds per insert are required. This will involve studying my System.nanoTime() timing code. Since nanoseconds are metric, they are 10^-9 seconds, or 1e-9 in Java notation (hence my division by 1e9 to convert to seconds).

  • How long does it take to fill each data structure?
  • Plot insertion time per element for each of these data structures.
  • Is there a timing difference between constructing HashSet and TreeSet with their input data or calling add in a for loop? If yes, use the words "balancing" and "resizing" to explain what's going on.

(20) Plot Query Speed

I have devised a method timeLookup that calculates per-item query time for all the words in a structure. It also prints out the "fraction found" of the dataset.

  • Construct a dataset that has Strings that are both in and not in the dictionary.
  • For full credit, devise a method to inject some percentage of hits and misses. Create a line plot as the percentage of hits goes from (0.0 to 1.0) in steps of 0.1, where each line is a different data structure.

(15) Spell-check a Project Gutenberg book

  • What is the ratio that's "mis-spelled"?
  • Are the query speeds the same over real-world data?
  • What are some of the words that are "mis-spelled"?
  • I gave you WordSplitter again.

(10) CharTrie.countNodes()

Study the CharTrie implementation and complete the countNodes method on the CharTrie.Node class. A recursive solution will be simplest.

You might want to create a unit test so that you count the nodes of a CharTrie that you can draw by hand. (So you know if you get it correct).

For clarity, countNodes should return the number of characters stored in the tree. This should be more than the number of words in the vocabulary, but less than the number of characters in the vocabulary (since a Trie shares prefixes).

(5) SortedStringListSet.binarySearch

Right now, this data structure merely calls Java's built-in Collections.binarySearch. Replace it with your own implementation.

For bonus points, find out why most binary search implementations are incorrect. Try to fix it in your implementation.

Double-check that your query speeds have not changed with your implementation of binary search. If they have, why might that be?

(5) LLHash.countCollisions() and LLHash.countUsedBuckets()

LLHash maintains an ArrayList of Buckets inside of itself. Use this list to compute how many collisions occurred and how many buckets are used. CheckSpelling.main uses them in print statements to compute the load-factor.

Play with the size of LLHash. Does this change your perception of its speed?