Changing The Java Version

  • Change <release> in backend/pom.xml.
  • Change $JAVA_HOME environment variable


Spring Boot
The backend is written using the Spring Boot framework to minimize boilerplate Java code and because it allows for lightweight development with Plain-Old-Java-Objects. The spring-boot-web-starter dependency provides an embedded Apache Tomcat server which is used in this application.


Why JPA?
JPA provides standard interfaces which needs to be implemented. It doesn't lock you into a vendor's implementation. You can switch between vendor implementations when you're coding against the JPA standard interfaces.

This application connects to a MariaDB database. MariaDB is very similar to MySQL, but provides some useful performance improvements.


The frontend view is generated using the Vue.js Javascript framework as it is easy to work with, scalable, and makes for some good looking frontend pages.

Project Structure

Every class except the main class is in a sub-package because spring will automatically scan for components this way. There is no need to reference specific packages. Other packages can be added via the scanBasePackages variable for automatic component scanning.

Additional Info

Static content like HTML, JavaScript, images etc. go into the /static directory.

src/main/webapp should only be used if the application is packaged as a .war file as opposed to a .jar file.

If you're using the IntelliJ IDE the spring boot devtool dependency requires some tweaking for reloading to work

Packaging the application

Navigate to the project directory

mvn package

or, without Maven installed

./mvnw package

Running the application

Backend alternative #1

mvn --projects backend spring-boot:run

Backend alternative #2

Navigate to /target/

java -jar webapp.jar

or from the directory in which pom.xml resides

mvn clean compile test

If you don't have Maven installed, this will automatically download and run the correct version

./mvnw spring-boot:run webapp.jar

Frontend alternative #1

cd frontend
npm start