Control your Harmony hub from Home Assistant
Designed for and tested with Home Assistant hassio version 0.62.1
Its created as a Home Assistant package and assume you already have your harmony hub connected to HASS, it should be discovered by the Discovery: component
- If your installation doesn’t already support the use of packages please activate it.
- Place
in your package folder - Edit
and replace all instances of the name of the remote to match your remote, in the example it’s calledHub1
, your name you can find by looking at the fileharmony_XXXXXXX.conf
in your<Config dir>
where XXXXXXX is your name. tip is to search and replace all hub1 values to your name. - Open
in your<Config dir>
and make a note of all your activity names and activity IDs. The example has the following.-Edit theActivities 13507786 - TV 13507990 - ATV3 30143777 - AirPlay -1 - PowerOff 13845019 - WII 29039108 - Film 23688854 - Xbox
and the sectioninput_select:
so that the options match your activitys, add or remove lines if needed. - Edit the
script so that the names and activity’s match your names and IDs - Edit the rest if the scripts with names, ID for the device the command should be sent to and what command to send, see your
file for ID for each device and its commands. - Download
- Add to your
- /local/custom_ui/state-card-tiles.html
- /local/custom_ui/state-card-tiles.html
- Restart HASS and start using it.
Added supprt for controling all of your activitys with a data template that sends different commands to differnet devices depending of the current activity
First release Can start several activity’s but only control one, support for several activity’s will come in next version