
Pokemon TCG cards made compatible with the EdoPro yugioh duel scripting engine

Primary LanguageLuaGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


Build Status


PokEdoPro is a small mod of the yugioh simulator EdoPro. The mod adds Pokemon TCG cards and rules into the simulator allowing you to play Pokemon TCG in EdoPro.


This project contains a limited amount of cards, currently only the cards needed for a Zacian V deck, and some other cards made for testing. This mod was made for fun, and will likely not reach the scope of having every PTCG card, though it will likely continue to be updated while I maintain interest.

Installation and Use

Adding the content to the game is done by pasting the given folders into their respective EdoPro folders (i.e. Paste the contents of "expansions" folder in from the repository into "expansions" in the EdoPro folder)

Expansions includes all of the code that makes the cards function, including scripts, database and images. Deck includes premade decks. As of right now the only deck there is Zacian V. Lflists includes the banlist, which allows you to search through only the pokemon cards, and allows 4 of each card and unlimited energy.

The game is currently only playable over LAN or a service that simulates LAN. For the mod to function properly include the "Pokemon TCG" card in each deck as the 61st card, this card sets up the rules of the game.