ABOUT MONTYSOLR =============== MontySolr is the search engine behind Astrophysics Data System (ADS 2.0) - "the world's most complete collection of scholarly content in the physical sciences" - http://ads.harvard.edu/. It is built on top of SOLR (http://lucene.apache.org/solr) but it is not a fork. New features are added as extensions. You can use MontySolr's infrastructure to add new functionality or test patches without duplicating code. So what is here: - extremely powerful query parser (equivalent of which you won't find anywhere else) - second order queries (operators): analytical query operations - batch processing for long-running tasks - bitset queries (to search/analyze millions of docs by sending their IDs) - author name disambiguation - extensive tokenization rules - multi-synonym parsing and expansion - support for Jython - and of course: the whole configuration of the ADS search engine In the past MontySolr combined Java with extensions written in C++/Python but now that Jython support for JNI arrived, MontySolr switched to pure Java (April 2014) INSTALLATION ============ Go ahead to http://github.com/adsabs/releases and download/unzip the version of your choice. Then run ./bin/solr If you want to build Montysolr from sources, rest assured it is easy. You will need Java JDK (version 11 and higher) ```bash $ git clone https://github.com/adsabs/montysolr $ cd montysolr $ ./gradlew build ```