
This class library enables to have enum-behaviour using value in Flutter

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT


Vnum or Value based Enum is a Flutter pub library that enables enum behaviour in your code using classes in flutter with more fun!.

Some highlighted features:

  • Easy define and use your cases
  • Memory Efficient
  • Supports Serialization / Deserialization
  • Support for functions inside your Vnums


class CarType extends Vnum<String> {
  /// Cases
  static const CarType sedan = const CarType.define("sedan-value");
  static const CarType suv = const CarType.define("suv-value");
  static const CarType truck = const CarType.define("truck-value");
  static const CarType none = const CarType.define("unknown");

  /// Constructors
  const CarType.define(String fromValue) : super.define(fromValue);
  factory CarType(String value) => Vnum.fromValue(value,CarType);

  /// (optional) Add these constructors if serilization is supported
  dynamic toJson() => this.value;
  factory CarType.fromJson(dynamic json) => CarType(json);

  /// Extend your Vnums
  String color(){
    if (value == CarType.sedan.value) {
      return "Green";
    }else if (value == CarType.suv.value) {
      return "Orange";
    }else if (value == CarType.truck.value) {
      return "Yellow";
    return "Unknown";
var car = CarType.sedan;
var carValue = car.value;
var carFromValue = CarType('suv-value');
var nonExisting = CarType('rocket') /// returns null

/// Vnum functions
var color = car.color() /// returns "Green"

/// Iterating cases
var allCases = Vnum.allCasesFor(CarType);
print(allCases.length); /// prints 4


var sedan = CarType.sedan;
var truck = CarType.truck
print(sedan == truck);

Class member usage:

class SampleResponse {
  @JsonKey(name: "carType")
  CarType carType;

  factory SampleResponse.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =>
  Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$SampleResponseToJson(this);


final jsonString = '{"carType":"suv-value"}';

/// Deserialize Json String
var decodedData = json.decode(jsonString);
SampleResponse response = SampleResponse.fromJson(decodedData);

print(response.carType); /// CarType.suv;


var serialized = json.encode(response);
print(serialized); /// prints {"carType":"suv-value"}


Add following dependencies in your pubspec.yaml file:

    sdk: flutter
  reflectable: any
  json_annotation: any

    sdk: flutter
  build_runner: any
  json_serializable: any

Add a file build.yaml to your project's root folder or update the extisting file with the following code to your build.

          - lib/main.dart
          - test/**_test.dart
          formatted: true

Add following lines to your main.dart add the following imports:

import 'main.reflectable.dart';
import 'package:reflectable/reflectable.dart';

void main() {

if you run flutter packages pub run build_runner build, you should have no build problems by now and your project is ready for using Vnum!


Define your Vnum with value of T type with following steps:

  • Import Vnum reference package:Vnum/Vnum.dart

  • Define your class which extends Vnum<T>

  • Add @VnumDefinition attribute to your class

  • Add public constructors

  • Define your cases as static const with the same type of your Vnum

  • If you need serialization support for your Vnum add toJson() and fromJson() constructor to your Vnum definition

import 'package:Vnum/Vnum.dart';

class MyEnum extends Vnum<T> {
/// Case Definition
static const MyEnum case1 = const MyEnum.define(value1);
static const MyEnum case2 = const MyEnum.define(value2);

/// Used for defining cases
MyEnum.define(String fromValue) : super.define(fromValue);

/// Used for loading enum using value
factory MyEnum(String value) => Vnum.fromValue(value,MyEnum);

/// (optional) Support for serialization/deserialization
dynamic toJson() => this.value;
factory MyEnum.fromJson(dynamic json) => MyEnum(json);

Generate codes:

Vnum is based on Dart Reflection and requires generating codes:

Use the following command in your terminal to generate reflection codes for your project

flutter packages pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs

Reflectable documentation: https://github.com/dart-lang/reflectable

Json Serialization documentation: https://pub.dev/packages/json_serializable