
Behavior-Driven Development (Gherkin) framework with Cypress

Primary LanguageJavaScript


The web application is bootstrapped by aurelia-cli.

The application tests are automated using Cypress.

Quick start

Here's how to run the web application and the automated tests.

node -v
npm -v
sudo npm install -g aurelia-cli
cd path/to/project
npm install
au run --open

Open another cmd to run cypress tests
Run npm run report:clean to clean report folders
There are two ways to run cypress tests:

1) Run cypress tests using cmd

Run npm run cy:run:chrome to run tests on chrome browser, you can replace 'chrome' in the cmd by 'firefox' or 'electron'
Run npm run cucumber:report:generate to generate HTML test report

2) Run cypress tests using cypress test runner

Run npm run cy:open to open cypress tests runner
Select the browser to use
Click on todos.feature file name to execute tests
Once run is done, you can stop the runner and execute npm run cucumber:report:generate to generate HTML test report