
A Library Management Application using Java & MySQL.

Primary LanguageJava

Library Management System

A Library Management Application using Java & MySQL.

Problem Statement:

Our institute needs to maintain a database for library management system. The database will store information like book name, author's name, id, issue status (available or issued), student id (if issued), due date (if issued), fine (@Rs.5/day after 15 days of book issue).

In addition to this the administration also needs to perform the following tasks on the database:

  • It allows the admin to add, delete, update (id etc.) and edit (issue or return) the book's information.
  • It allows to admin to view the books issued to a particular student.
  • It allows the user to search information of a particular book using their unique identification number.
  • It should allow the user to check status of books he has issued.
  • It should not allow a student to issue more than 4 books at a time. Also, if at the time of return of books due date is crossed output the applicable fine. Now write a java code which will do the job for the institute.