git-deploy is a really simple tool which I use to deploy some of my application (bots, apis, websites...) when pushing them to GitHub.
git-deploy uses Node's default http server, with GitHub's webhooks, in order to detect changes on a repository, and then trigger some configurable actions.
- 100% safe, since it uses secret tokens which are set on your GitHub repository
- 100% customizable, since you can call a bash/python script or whatever you want.
- 100% light, since it doesn't require any external packages to work.
If you're experiencing problems with git-deploy, feel free to submit an issue.
Detailed changes for each release are documented in the release notes.
Because the Contributing Guide currently doesn't exist, feel free to submit a pull request and we'll review it!
This project is not licensed.
Copyright (c) 2018-present, Arthur Dufour (Woosy)