A book about accessibility targeted at front-end developers.
This is the home of 'Accessibility Fundamentals', an (in-progress) book about web accessibility. It is released under a CC-license.
This book is inspired by Rebecca Murphey's jQuery Fundamentals and Addy Osmani's Backbone Fundamentals - two excellent resources that have helped spread specialist knowledge around the web development community.
The goal of this book is to create a resource to help front-end developers create accessible websites. Most developers are keen to implement accessible sites but often lack the knowledge to do it properly. Picking up this knowledge is time consuming and difficult to do as there are few up to date resources that give a full overview.
This book is a work in progress and I'd love contributions and feedback from other developers, accessibility advocates and assistive technology users.
##Index Table of contents
##The challenge of web development An unpredictable landscape of users
- desktop, tablet, mobile, tv
- browsers new and old
- personalized settings
- Input devices
- Output devices
- A multitude of experience and impairments
##Assistive Technologies An introduction to tools used by people with disabilities to access the web
- Browser features and add-ons
- Screen readers
- Refreshable Braille
- Screen Magnifiers
- Voice recognition
- Switch devices
- Examples of real people (rather than personas)
- links to videos
- Research
##A good user experience for all
- Universal design, interoperability and accessibility
- Perceivable, Operable, Understandable and Robust
Examples of web pages with accessibility issues
Overview of the essentials techniques required for an accessible website
##Roles and Responsibilities Who needs to do what in a team
##Progressive Enhancement
Text and Images
Links and Forms
CSS and furniture images
Javascript, Ajax and WAI-ARIA
##Accessible Web Components How to make the following accessible, with code examples
- Common page template
- Headings
- Navigation and Menus
- Images
- Tables
- Sortable Tables
- Forms
- Auto Complete
- Tabs
- Accordions
- Carousels and Slideshows
- Light Boxes / Modal Dialog Boxes
- Websites that have got in trouble - and why
- Websites that have done it right - and how
##Testing Tools and techniques
##Resources Links
- Guidlelines and Checklists
- Law and Legislation
- Articles
- videos
- Books
- Blogs