#Grunt boilerplate with Jasmine

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A bare bones project with a grunt build process that gets you up and running with:

  • Sass
  • autoprefixer
  • CSSLint
  • JSHint - enforcing the Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide
  • Jasmine unit tests (including jasmine-jquery) in a headless browser from the command line and/or in a real browser
  • Generating production files and deploying files to GitHub Pages

Start by installing the required node modules: npm install

You can then run the following tasks:

  • grunt server - Start a server and run tests when files change
  • grunt test - Run tests in the console
  • grunt test:browser - Run tests in a browser
  • grunt release - Generate files, runs tests, build to dist and copy files to gh-pages branch
  • grunt clean - Delete all generated and temporary files
  • grunt version - Shows version number

The generated production files are visible on Github Pages at http://aduggin.github.io/grunt-boilerplate-with-jasmine/

CSSLint, JSHint and the Jasmine Unit Tests are run on Travis CI