A compilation of modules for faster web application development for ASP.NET.
Currently there are modules for E-Mail sending, Data Layer (based on Dapper) and Security Modules (HMAC Authentication for both Client and Server, Security Server).
Modules go through the following cycle:
- Development: Use is not recommended, module may not survive.
- Usable: Used in production. Goal is to stabilize the API. Module may stay in this phase for some time while it starts being used in multiple production projects.
- Stable: No major flaws or API issues found while being used in multiple projects. Except API not to change. Can be used for production systems (via Nuget) but often lack in documentation.
- Released: Reviewed documentation has been published.
All modules are licensed under MIT unless otherwise specified in the module itself.
Status: Stable, Version: 1.10
The Mail Templating and Sending Module (part of Dragon Web Framework) for .NET that supports
- Handlebar Templates (HTML & plain-text),
- Internationalization,
- Summary E-Mails (Batching, i.e. do not send more than 1 email per X hours) and
- Asynchronous Sending.
Comprised of the following releases:
- ASP.NET Authentication Module - Status: Released, Version: 1.2.1
- Core Library and Client - Status: Released, Version: 1.2.0
- Management REST API and Web Application - Status: In Development, Version: 1.0.1
The aim of the Hmac module is to allow quickly setting up HMAC-based authorization for requests from client applications (apps) to web services (services).
Status: Stable, Version: 2.0.6 .NETStandard 1.6 and .NETStandard 2.0 (Version: 1.5.0 available for .NET 4.6)
Add-on library for Dapper implementing:
- Repository pattern
- Extension methods for IDbRepository
- SQL Builder for typed queries
- Metadata Utilities
- Table (Schema) Generator
Comprised of the following releases:
- Core Library (with local file system module) - Status: Released, Version: 1.2.0
- Azure Blob Storage Module - Status: Usable, Version: 1.0.2
- Amazon S3 Module - Status: Usable, Version: 1.2.1
- ASP.NET MVC extensions - Status: Usable, Version 1.2.1
Abstracts file storage for a number of file storage systems (local filesystem, Azure blob storage and S3) and allow storing and retrieving files by resource ID.
Status: Stable (No NuGet packages)
A federation identity provider based on ASP.NET Identity/OWIN that uses a chain of Security Token Services:
- AccountSTS: manages external federation information
- ProfileSTS: manages information about the user
- PermissionSTS: manages user permissions
Each service offers an API for which a client is offered. The API is secured using HMAC.
Status: Stable (No NuGet packages)
Utility Framework for creating self-service diagnostics tools that run a set of pre-configured tests, create a log for users to send to your support team.
Currently available tests:
- Ping and TraceRoute
- HTTP and WebSocket Connections
- Client Network Interfaces
- Operating System Information
- Browser Information
- SSL connection and certificate (possibly MITM intermediate proxies)
Also includes a customizable web page that can server as download location and testing target.
Alex Duggleby, Joshi