A simple digital bank to process credit card transactions.
Golang application to receive the transactions.
Next.js application to order a product.
Nest.js application to provide the products.
Change the .env file to setup the environment.
Execute docker-compose up -d to run a container with the Golang environment.
Execute docker exec -it appbank bash to execute the commands inside the container with Golang environment.
Execute make gen to generate the gRPC files.
Inside the appbank container:
Execute evans -r repl -p=50052
Execute call Payment
Fill in the fields and check the Center Control (localhost:9021) to see the message.
A container with the following:
- the Golong environment to execute the application.
- evans: a gPRC client
Execute docker-compose up -d to run a container with the pre-configured environment.
Execute docker-compose up -d to run a container with the pre-configured environment.