
The Mobile Money library simplifies basic mobile money operations for android mobile developers.

Primary LanguageJava


This is a sample project to show how to use the mobile money sdk to accept payments in your android app via mobile money.


Enter phone number Wait for bill prompt Confirm transaction Success Error
Screenshot 1 Bill prompt confirm success Error occured

How to install

To use the sdk in your project:

  1. Download the project zip file.
  2. Unzip the file.
  3. In android studio right file -> new - import module and go to the path for the zip file -> open the folder -> and click on paywithmobilemoney.
  4. Change the name of your module if you wish and click next.
  5. Wait till the build finishes and you now have the paywithmobilemoney sdk.

From Android Studio :

->Right click your project folder 
        ->Open Module Settings 
                ->Select the Dependency Tab 
                          ->Tap on the green plus sign on the right and select "Module dependency" 
                                    ->You would see the "paywithmobilemoney" module. Select it.

Tap on OK and you are good to add it in your build.gradle file.


  1. Import necessary dependencies And add this to your project build.gradle file
repositories {
    maven { url 'https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/ksoap2-android-releases/' }

dependencies {
    compile 'com.google.code.ksoap2-android:ksoap2-android:3.6.0'

In your application build.gradle add this line

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
  1. Initialize sdk preferably in your Application class to avoid initializing it multiple time. How to create an Application class
//all parameters are Strings
//username and password refers to the credentials associated with your merchant account from MTN
  new MobileMoney(YourActivity.this).initCredentials(username,password);
  1. Performing transactions.
//Performing transaction with provided ui
MobileMoney mobileMoney = new MobileMoney(YourActivity.this);
mobileMoney.makePurchaseWithDialog(YourActivity.this, "itemName", "description", billprompt , amount, "phoneNumber", "message", new OnTransactionInitiated() {
                public void onInvoiceMade(String invoiceNumber) {
                    //returns invoice number before status is checked

                public void OnTransactionStarted() {
                    //transaction has started

                public void OnTransactionSuccessful(String invoiceNumber) {
                    //user has paid for the item and returns an invoice number

                public void OnTransactionFailed(String errorCode) {
                    //transaction failed because of errorCode
//Call this method instead if you want to implement your own ui for the transaction
mobileMoney.makePurchase(YourActivity.this, "itemName", "description", billprompt , amount, "phoneNumber", "message", new OnTransactionInitiated() {
                public void onInvoiceMade(String invoiceNumber) {
                    //returns invoice number before status is checked

                public void OnTransactionStarted() {
                    //transaction has started

                public void OnTransactionSuccessful(String invoiceNumber) {
                    //user has paid for the item and returns an invoice number

                public void OnTransactionFailed(String errorCode) {
                    //transaction failed because of errorCode

You can now recieve payment through your app with Mobile Money


Don't call both mobileMoney.makePurchase and mobileMoney.makePurchaseWithDialog at the same time. makePurchaseWithDialog is used when you want payment flow to use the provided user interface. makePurchase is used when you want to provide your own interface using the callbacks.


  1. GET ALL INVOICES This method is used to retrieve all of the users invoices along with their statuses. Useful when manual verification of invoice numbers is needed to cater for time out errors. NB: all this data will be lost if the user clears the app data. Server solutions should be put in place by the developer to avoid this.
    MobileMoney mobileMoney = new MobileMoney(this);
    mobileMoney.getInvoices(new OnInvoicesRequested() {
            public void OnRequestStarted() {


            public void OnTransactionSuccessful(ArrayList<Invoice> invoices) {
                //returns an array list of invoices

            public void OnNoInvoicesFound() {


The Invoice class consists of:

  • name - corresponds to item name
  • invoiceNumber - invoice number generated by MTN
  • isValid - is true when invoice number is correct
  • isStatusChecked - is true when the status of this invoice has been checked to verify if bill was paid or not. It will be false if status was checked but because of timeout issues it wasn't verified. Developers should check for the status of the invoice manually when it's false.
  1. CHECK INVOICE STATUS This method is used to manually check the status of an invoice number. Because of timeout issues, the system might be down for sometime. All transactions are saved by the sdk and can manually be checked for its status at anytime. It is also useful when the user after paying didn't confirm the transaction.
MobileMoney mobileMoney = new MobileMoney(this);
mobileMoney.checkInvoiceStatus("invoiceNumber", new OnInvoiceStatusRequested() {
            public void OnTransactionStarted() {


            public void OnTransactionSuccessful() {


            public void OnTransactionFailed(String errorCode) {

  1. SET THIRD PARYT ID This optional method is set a third party id if applicable.A default one is provided by the sdk. When applicable should go in your application class.
new MobileMoney(YourActivity.this).setThirdPartyId("youtThirdPartyId");


  • Amount - the amount the user is supposed to pay. All transactions made with the module are live and therefore for testing purposes use small amounts like 0.01.
  • Billprompt - Values are 0,2 and 3. If set to 2 asynchronous billprompt will be initiated. If set to 3, an sms containing the invoiceNo is sent automatically to the reciepient should the bill payment fail due to time out or insufficient funds or when an invalid mobile money number is supplied. 3 is normally used.
  • ThirdPartyId - This is a required field only when billprompt is used. The field is provided by the merchant during a transaction and must be unique. Example: ADG344566786
  • Error codes: - various error codes and their meaning.
    • "21VD" - Bill wasn't paid
    • "NIC" - Internet connectivity isn't available
    • "NIN" - No Invoice Number
    • "DC" - Dialog closed