
bibliographie cyber publique du M82_project

Primary LanguageTeX



Hello, here is an attempt to establish a shared bibliography in BibTex format (to facilitate exports to Zotero :)) Thank you for contributing by respecting the formalism below.

Bonjour, voici une tentative d'établir une bibliographie partagée en format BibTex (pour faciliter les exports vers Zotero :))

Merci de contribuer en respectant le formalisme ci-dessous.


author = {},

title = {},

year = {},

publisher = {},

address = {},

note = {},

isbn = {},

keyword = {}}

Want to know more about BibTeX ? => https://www.bibtex.com/g/bibtex-format/

How to contribute

If you want to contribute to this bibliography, you can follow this tutorial.

Comment participer

Si vous souhaitez participer à cette bibliographie, vous pouvez suivre ce tutoriel.