
A Sync Rust Api to Schoology

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


A basic sync (incomplete) api for schoology. Uses hyper v10 (the old one).


Add the following to your Cargo.toml file:

schoology = { git = "https://github.com/adumbidiot/schoology-rs" }

and to the top of your main.rs:

extern crate schoology;

Getting Started

extern crate schoology;
use schoology::Api;

fn main(){
	let api = Api::new(String::from("Token"), String::from("Secret")); //Replace with your own token and secret;
	let groups = api.get_groups(4, 10).expect("Error getting groups"); //Get groups from 4 to 14. 
	//May return shorter if they don't exist.
	println!("{:#?}", groups); //Returned types implement debug.


Create two files: "token.txt" and "secret.txt" on the top level project directory. Put in your token and secret in the appropriate files, then run:

cargo test


I literally have no standards so anything you contribute will be an improvement. Just open a pull request.


adumbidiot (Nathaniel Daniel)


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details