RAAQ Pizza Parlour

Prerequisites/Software Used


  • Node.js
  • Postico
  • Terminal
  • React
  • React-Redux


  • Download project
  • npm install
  • createdb pizza_parlor
  • npm run server
  • npm run client

Screen Shot

1 Order Selection page

Home page screen shot

2 Customer Info page

Home page screen shot

3 Order Checkout page

Home page screen shot

4 Admin Page

Home page screen shot


Completed Features

  • Display a list of pizzas from the server via GET request.
  • Add pizza to the cart/Remove pizza from cart.
  • Created header component to display on every page. Conditionally renders the current cost of the cart depending on page.
  • Page with a form to collect customer information.
  • Created an admin page that displays order history from the server.

Future Features

  • CSS Styling
  • Back button to previous page.
  • Display list of pizzas for each order on the admin page.
  • Add button on orders page to tack delivery status.
  • create order details views.


  • In the future we will deploy this to Heroku.


  • Mike Stockman
  • Erin Olson
  • Anthony Dunahee
  • Shamarke Duale
  • Dion Roloff
  • Nick Neiret
  • Max Todd


  • We would like to thank Chris Black, Luke Schlangen, and Dane aka DoctorHowser for the base assignment code.
  • We would additionally like to thank Kris Szfranski and Ally Boyd.
  • Thanks to our cohort, Zaurak aka ZauRAAQ.
  • A special thanks to photographers on pexels for the images.